Description of organizationbull logo

Ambition to be a European leader in mission-critical digital systems

Effectively combining processing power and security, Bull designs, implements and runs internationally renowned solutions for public and private sector organizations alike, that transform information systems into positive drivers for excellence, differentiation and value-creation. As a trusted business partner, Bull helps its customers seize all the opportunities of the digital revolution, while managing its inherent risks.


Expertise in computing power and security: boosting business performance

As both an IT manufacturer and services provider, Bull brings together all the cutting-edge skills needed to build solutions, infrastructures and applications that enable its customers to seize the opportunities and tackle challenges of the future. Bull focuses its resources on business disciplines where its recognized international technological leadership means it can offer its customers a real competitive advantage. In a world being reshaped by mobile computing, ultra high-speed broadband, Internet technologies and Cloud computing, the first priority is to guarantee the performance and security of mission-critical systems. Today, Bull offers a unique combination: the ability to process the massive amounts of data generated by the Internet of Things and mobile applications, and leading-edge expertise in security. Thanks to this dual capability, the Group can design, build and operate exceptionally reliable IT infrastructures, with the in-built scope to meet future challenges: to preserve and capitalize on organization's valuable legacy know-how and data, to run real-time applications, to protect people and assets.


European technology supporting sovereignty and responsibility

In today's hyper-connected, open world – where so much is computerized and information is increasingly being hosted in vast 'computing power plants' – controlling access to that data and capitalizing on it fully is an essential element of corporate as well as national sovereignty. As an expert in mission-critical and high security systems, and a specialist in some of the most demanding areas of business, Bull – with its uniquely European profile – is the only supplier of its kind. For its customers, the Group is a trusted partner, helping them make the move to the digital society with complete confidence.

We are about to enter a new, digital era, which will also be a period characterized by vital social and environmental challenges that we will have to face together. In that respect, technology gives us a great deal of hope. With its growing expertise in Open Source and Green IT Bull is determined to play a central role in this positive move towards sustainable and responsible development.

"Working closely with its customers, Bull has positioned itself as a partner supporting their innovation and growth."


Previous experience

Computing power is at the very heart of innovation thanks to supercomputers that enable the development of products and solutions to meet tomorrow's healthcare and security challenges. Bull has great expertise in the design of complex IT infrastructures, combining computing power and data management capability. Bull has been providing for many years solutions for high performance and availability, and has built strong competencies in architectures selection, which make it possible to optimize data management.


Bull already participates in several European R&D projects with the aim to:

- develop novel methods for parallel medical image processing, improving the throughput time of algorithms to process large and heterogeneous data sets to make them usable for real-time or low-latency procedures,

- increase quality and productivity in the care cycle by using more advanced medical image analysis and by more patient specific decision support systems,

- support secure virtual workspace in a professional medical situation, where knowledge, capabilities and patient data are brought together and made available for clinical processing, respecting medical regulations and clinical procedures and protocols.


These experiences are significant assets that will be needed to fulfill the objective of ITFoM.


Profile of staff members

Jean-Claude Bourhis graduated Engineer from the ENSEEIHT (École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications) Informatique as Option (1972). Since 1972 he is with Bull where he manages the Languages & Compilers Department. During the last decade, as a Innovation Program Manager, he participates to the ITEA Roadmap 3, he brings up and leads / participates to many National and European co-operation projects in different domains: Content Management ( Projects MédiaTic & ACDC), Medical Imaging (Projects HiPiP & Care4Me), Security (Projects SIC & ASPIC) and others.


Huy-Nam Nguyen graduated Engineer from the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris" (1977) and obtained his Docteur-Ingénieur diploma in Applied Mathematics from the Université Paris-IX (1982). Since 1981 he is with Bull where he participates to the hardware design of successive generations of proprietary or open servers. During the last decade, he represents Bull in many European co-operation projects including Jessi/AC8-AC3, Medea/AT403-AT407, Medea+/A502-A511-2A718, Catrene/TSAR, ITEA/Care4Me and contributed also actively to the Medea+ EDA roadmap (Eds 2003, 2005 and 2008).



Bull SAS



Five recent publications relevant to the project

1) Huy-Nam NGUYEN Extreme Computing : Today's Solution for Tomorrow's Servers Tutorial Session D2: New challenges and technologies behind Cloud computing" , DATE'2012 March 12, 2012


2) Huy-Nam NGUYEN Low Power Design Methodologies & Techniques , Technical Seminar at IPSoC'2011, December 7, 2011 Grenoble


3) Tuan-Anh NGUYEN Parallel Processing of Medical Image on the BullX HPC Platform Rapport de Stage, UPEC June 20, 2011


4) Huy-Nam NGUYEN and Eric GUTHMULLER Prototyping of a Scalable, Cache-Coherent Shared-Memory Multi-Cores Architecture Tutorial Session ESL Design and Virtual Prototyping of MPSoCs, DAC 2010, June 2010 Anaheim.


5) Huy-Nam NGUYEN Specification and Validation of Cache-Coherence Protocols, DTC' 2010, Grenoble June 23-24, 2010