Research Centre - Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Description of organization![athens uoeb](/images/participants/athens_uoeb.jpg)
The Research Centre was established in 1983 as part of the Athens University of Economics and Business in order to coordinate and facilitate research by members of the University's faculty. In this capacity, the Centre is collaborating with other university institutions, public entities and organisations, private enterprises, international organisations and selected qualified individuals.
The Research Centre is a non-profit organisation governed by an executive board formed exclusively by members of the University's faculty. One of the University's Vice-Rectors is appointed by the Senate as Chairman. The University's Departments appoint to the Board one member each. The Board is assisted by an Administrative Secretary who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Centre.
Previous experience
The Centre is devoted to the promotion of theoretical, applied and policy research in the general fields of economics and management as well as in the fields of informatics and applied information systems. In this context, the Centre has completed a large number of studies, most of which have been financed by the European Union. Emphasis is given to the analysis of problems and problem-oriented research. The preliminary processing of raw data is arranged in cooperation with other research institutions and statistical services.
Research at the Centre is carried out mainly by members of the academic staff of the University. Visiting scholars and holders of short-term appointments may also actively be engaged in the research activities of the Centre. In performing their tasks, faculty members enjoy full freedom with respect to research topics chosen, methods employed and conclusions drawn from their own research work. The Centre bears no responsibility for any of these conclusions. All research is undertaken with a view towards eventual publication in scholarly journals, technical reports and monographs.
Staff members
The body of researchers is made up of all academic staff of the University. The academic staff currently consists of 61 Professors, 29 Associate Professors, 36 Assistant Professors, 33 Lecturers, 15 Scientific Assistants, 9 Scientific Collaborators, 23 persons as Expert Technical Scientific Personnel, 8 persons as Special Scientific Teaching Personnel 4 of which are Foreign Language Teachers, and 63 persons as Teaching Staff in accordance with Presidential Decree 407/1980. All Faculty members and a number of the rest of the teaching and research personnel hold a Ph.D degree or equivalent. Over 90% of the Ph.D degrees have been earned at well-known American and British universities. Moreover, 50% out of the teaching and research assistants as well as 3 foreign language teachers hold a Master's degree.
Athens University of Economics and Business
Research Centre - Athens University of Economics and Business